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Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia
A lil' Bit of History Plushies/Teddy Bears originates since as early as 1700s and comes with various sizes, types and colors. Soft toys or stuffed is a toy sewn from a textile, and stuffed with a soft material. They are also known as plush toys, plushies, or stuffed animals (U.S. English), and soft toys or cuddly toys (British English). Stuffed toys popularity increased and always in demand over time. Some stuffed toys are highly collectible and can be extremely rare and some might cost a fortune for one to possess. Many toy factories and companies mass-produce stuffed toys for everyone to enjoy it at a fair price. Entertainment platform such as Disney and Japanese anime even make these plushies popular as they produce their own plushie character for sale. Plushies are not only popular among girls because nowadays plushies popularity soars among boys as well due to it's high sentimental and quality value, hence, making it suitable for gifts, weddings, anniversaries and collectibles.